Charge Cum Discharger

  • AC input supply: 415V ±15% (380V to 480V AC).
  • DC Output Voltage & Current: 110V to 115V DC & 0 to 300A.
  • Output Regulation & Ripple: ±0.05V per cell & 5% rms.
  • CV/CC operating modes for Charger and CC operating mode for Discharger
  • Automade charging suitable circuitary for float/boost Auto method.
  • Two earthing pads on each side with MS screws, washers shall be provided.
  • Electrometric multi standard cables be used.
  • Cables shall be supported with suitable stiffeners.
  • All Cables have code markers/ferrules for identification & circuit tracing .
  • Indications : Mains RYB,Unit ON,CC/CV, Charger Over Voltage, Fault for Phase/bridge Fuse, AC UV/OV and Charger Fail.
  • Protections: Over Voltage, Over Current, Short circuit, AC Over/Under voltage with Audio Alaram, AC input fuse and Bridge fuse.
  • Minimum Controls
  • AC input Circuit breaker for emergency shutdown, Unit ON/OFF control rotary switch, Battery input circuit breaker, Charger/OFF/Dis-charger selector switch, CC/CV selector switch, Current, Voltage and Low Voltage Variable pot, Low voltage reset push button
  • Meters: AC and DC Voltage/Current.